Annie and Jason

Where to even spring off with this couple... Hmm.

Let's begin where most love stories do, with the heart.  Two hearts that beat inside two different bodies.  Each could be described as being one of the biggest around,  and more full of love than many.  Open to possibility and expansion, growth and community. 

There is more to these two than just the beautiful hearts though, there are the actions behind those reflections as well.   Whether that shows up in the form of teaching yoga and offering perspective, helping to cultivate a greater awareness, generosity and delicious wine, or just good energy and lots of love. Their community is consistently impacted by the love these two have for one another. Annie and Jason have found, and continue to find a home in the world at large.  In a recent conversation, Annie shared her perspective with me "The world is so incredibly beautiful and kind and welcoming, and it's easy to get caught up in small life dramas and forget how much more is out there..."

To capture them in a moment may look as such, plotting for a next adventure, spending quiet time meditating, enjoying the finer notes of a gorgeous wine, exploring the woods, studying, or enveloping those around them in smiles and hugs.  They have such a beautiful reverence for the world that it's almost as if each action leads them closer to it. The It being, the thing. The thing that many people will wait a life time to even begin to contemplate.  That's not to say there aren't bumps along the way, for those dark spots are part of the journey too. 

For this piece, two live twigs were chosen.  Two different sprigs from two different trees meant to represent these two luminous souls.   The offshoots meant to be a gentle reminder to keep growing, each on it's own, but together as well. They make one pass of each other, intertwining, connecting, and they carry on.  Side by side, maintaining their own spirits and continuing on a collective journey.

Arcatus Jewelry- Annie and Jason


Annie and Jason, many, many congratulations on the new step in your grand adventure.  I know I don't speak only for myself when I say, We can't wait to see what more awaits you.